Electrical installation condition reports (EICR)
AB Electrical provide EICRs for commercial clients, property developers, housing associations and landlords across Kent and Sussex.
Faulty and old wiring are two of the main causes or electrical fires. AB Electrical can reduce the risk of a fire by checking the condition of your electrical installation to make sure it is in good and safe working order.
The primary purpose of the report is to ensure the safety of people and property at the premises of the electrical installation. It is advised that a EICR report should be carried out at regular intervals, the intervals are dependent on the type of installation.

AB Electrical – condition reports for private landlords, housing associations and commercial building owners
An electrical installation condition report should be carried out regularly and in accordance with BS7671. An electrical installation condition report (EICR) is provided as a legal document, given following an assessment by a qualified electrician.
Electrical installation condition reports are mandatory for landlords. Since July 2020, there is now a legal onus on all landlords to have an electrical installation condition report in place. They will have to be able to provide this to the tenant, managing agent or local authority within 30 days should they ask.
Work place electrical inspections are now a requirement for most insurers and will form part of a businesses’ health & safety at work compliance. AB Electrical can help you navigate the complex legislation around electrical inspections.
For home owners an ECIR will almost certainly be a requirement of mortgage lenders when moving house.
AB Electrical offer market leading electrical installations and maintenance packages
Make your problem our project, it only takes a few minutes to arrange an appointment. Our friendly, helpful staff will be pleased to assist you and take your booking for all types of electrical repair works, electrical maintenance, electrical inspections and new installations.
Call us now to make your booking.
EICR for landlords
Since 1 June 2020, landlords are required by law to have an electrical inspection condition report every 5 years. If you're a landlord, you'll need to provide these certificates to your tenants and to the local authority if it's requested.
AB Electrical can manage this process for you, and help you navigate the complex legislation so you can focus on your properties.
EICR for industry
Electrical Installation Condition Reports are often a requirement for insurance providers.
AB Electrical can help you understand the individual requirements for your insurance provider.
EICRs are typically required by building owners, housing associations and property developers.
Competent, accredited electricians...

The NICEIC is a consumer protection organisation set up to protect people against faulty or unsafe electrical installations.
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The NICEIC also maintains a separate register to identify approved domestic electricians.
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The Electrical Contractors’ Association supports businesses who are involved in all aspects of electrical work
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The largest UK-based, in-house team of health and safety auditors, dedicated to ensuring our contractors are employing safe working practices.
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